Friday Fun Fact


Taste buds are replaced every two weeks

The human body is an amazing powerhouse fueled by important organs like the heart, lungs, and brain. However, some of its most vital work is done by a body part you might not expect — our taste buds, a set of microscopic organs that do more than help us savor our food. Scientists believe human taste buds also have a bigger purpose: protecting us from poisoning. These microscopic sensors tell our brains that food is safe to eat based on flavor, encouraging us to consume sweets (potential sources of calories and energy) and alerting us to spit out bitter or unpalatable substances that could make us sick. 

Taste buds are such hardworking organs that their cells die off quickly. As they work, they age and lose sensitivity, which is why the body regenerates them about every two weeks. However, taste buds aren’t all replaced at once; on any given day, about 10% of the sensors expire, while 20% to 30% are in the process of developing, leaving us with 60% of the buds active to analyze the food we consume. 

Want to examine your taste buds? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not as easy as sticking out your tongue. That’s because the visible bumps aren’t sensors themselves; instead what you see are the papillae, which cover the taste buds. Each papillae can house hundreds of taste sensors, with the average adult having between 2,000 and 10,000 — a number that generally decreases with age. However, there’s one upside to losing some taste sensitivity as we get older: Foods we once avoided in childhood, like Brussels sprouts, become a bit more palatable.

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