Roadside flowers….

…………….They are my favorite.

I never cared about material things.png

This weekend absolutely SUCKED. I have a friend whose twin sister died. The family had decided to pull the plug and she died Sunday afternoon.

I got a call Saturday morning from my cousin Coleen. Our cousin Heather had passed away unexpectedly Friday night or early Saturday.

I’m just stunned, sad, upset, hurting…..and flashing back. Two people in one weekend. One I didn’t know but am friends with her sister. The other? My beloved, hilarious, fun, witty…..Oh, I hurt so for her sister. They were closer than peas in a pod.

So today will be spent remembering Heather and all the funnies I’ve watched her wade thru.

RIP Heather dear…..I love you.

Posted in Me

6 thoughts on “Roadside flowers….

    1. It always seems to hit at the wrong time. Just when one is getting back on their feet, life pulls the rug out….again.


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