I have no title today….

Nick was admitted to the hospital yesterday.

They removed the permanent stent they put in a month ago.

They put in ANOTHER stent.

The ER doc told the nurses that were making him comfortable in his room last night, that the cancer will most likely just crush this stent as it’s growing faster than first thought.

They will reassess doing more Chemo. Apparently it’s not doing much other than make him ill.

He slept good last night but then we are both exhausted. He had drugs. I didn’t.

Hopefully the doc will come in while I’m there over noon.

This is all I know right now.


I’m numb.

Posted in Me

10 thoughts on “I have no title today….

  1. Torn apart

    Torn from my heart
    when pain is near you
    Torn from my soul
    the thought of losing you
    Etched in my being
    The love I have for you
    Angry and anguish
    is one and the same
    My love for thee
    will never change

    Liked by 1 person

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